
What am I like eh!

What am I like eh!

Have you ever done a personality test? If you have, feel free to stop here and carry on with your day but if not, I would recommend it.

Developed in the 1960s by Isabel Briggs Myers and Katherine Briggs based on the research by Carl Jung, they found there are 16 different personality types divided into four sub categories. I am an E(extrovert)N(intuitive)F(feeling)P(perceiving), also known as a Campainer, which falls in the Diplomat category and makes up an estimated 7% of the global population

Health and Safety

Health and Safety

I work in an industry that lives off health and safety, thrives on it even. There is a form and procedure for anything and everything you could think of. We have the:

·         Poolside Daily Matrix (Ops-F5)

·         Cashing Up Sheet (FIN-F48)

·         Record of Conversation (CON-DISC-F-1)

·         Witness Statement (OPS-F23)

·         Birthday Party Terms and Conditions (Ops-F25c)

A Zombie Apocalypse

A Zombie Apocalypse

As a man and an official member of United Kingdom Zombie Defence League on Facebook it's only natural that I would have a zombie action plan. I formulated one for when I was at Uni in Swansea which consisted of raiding the Tesco that was conveniently opposite the marina where I planned to commandeer the lighthouse boat and party it out in the middle of the bay until it blew over and hoped the flesh-eating critters didn’t learn to swim. This is of course dependant on the realistic probability of zombies being real and whether they are Shaun of the Dead style or World War Z type of zombies.

Setting the tone.

Setting the tone.

My first blog post! Some may say scary, others may say exciting stuff. I would agree with both. It's a scary thought for me to write something on such an open platform for it to be publicly judged. This comes from five years of English lessons where every piece of work handed in was returned with more written on it in red pen than by me. I will also admit that when it comes to blogs I’m rather naive, being new to the scene as a writer rather than a reader. I’m a little unaware as to how the the community of bloggers operate.