
Glastonbury - The Unofficial Ultimate Comfort Guide

Glastonbury - The Unofficial Ultimate Comfort Guide

A few years ago, I wrote Glastonbury: The Unofficial Survival Guide. This was something I shared with a couple of friends who were going to be coming with me for their first ever Glastonbury who asked for some information on what it was like and some tips on how to get by. It must have done its job as they both survived

The Yoga Experiment

The Yoga Experiment

An ex-colleague, and member of my beach swim club alerted me to the fact that the yoga studio that she attends around the corner from me was doing a day of free trial sessions. I had done yoga before and thought it was alright but preferred Pilates. Partly because it felt like a workout while resolving my flexibility issues, partly because a friend is an instructor and therefore have to prefer it and partly because previous yoga instructors I had been in contact with fit the stereotype of hemp wearing vegans who could feel the universe flowing through a haemorrhoid if the planets were in alignment. I thought I would give it a go anyway. A free class is a free class after all.

Experiencing the Hype-othermia

Experiencing the Hype-othermia

Like half of the population, I dipped a metaphorical and literal toe into the world of cold water swimming during lockdown. The reasoning for this was partly because a couple of friends and people I follow on the gram participate, partly because the health benefits are well documented, it was free and partly out of boredom and needed a new activity to involve myself in.

The Lockdown Lessons - A year of National Lockdown

The Lockdown Lessons - A year of National Lockdown

Today marks a year since the government announced its first national Lockdown. In some ways it feels like the longest year ever experienced by anyone ever, in other ways it really does not feel like it’s been that long at all. It is funny thinking back to that time when no one will have predicted that we would still be here a year later.

The C-Word

The C-Word

I know what you are thinking and no, I’m not talking about the word you would use to describe your rival football team, people who would rob your nan or most politicians. And no, I’m not talking about COVID-19 either. 1 in 2 are said be diagnosed with it in one form or another and the range is vast. They span from a little spot that a quick operation can remove within half an hour to being terminal, incurable and spread across the entire body. It can be in your skin, your blood, your bones and everything else around it.

DorSAR - Dorset Search and Rescue

DorSAR - Dorset Search and Rescue

Years ago, I was looking for some way of volunteering my time to a good cause but was stuck with which option to go for as there are a few out there if you take the time to look. Soup kitchens, Samaritans, Territorial Army, litter picking to name a few. I wanted to do something that would help people and be outside, which eventually led me to choose Berkshire Lowland Search and Rescue. I could feel like a superhero rescuing people and at the same time get rained on in the famously fantastic British weather.

What am I like eh!

What am I like eh!

Have you ever done a personality test? If you have, feel free to stop here and carry on with your day but if not, I would recommend it.

Developed in the 1960s by Isabel Briggs Myers and Katherine Briggs based on the research by Carl Jung, they found there are 16 different personality types divided into four sub categories. I am an E(extrovert)N(intuitive)F(feeling)P(perceiving), also known as a Campainer, which falls in the Diplomat category and makes up an estimated 7% of the global population

A Leisurely Retirement

A Leisurely Retirement

The 5th of December 2011 was my first day in the leisure industry. It was a Monday. I know it was a Monday because I scrolled back through the calendar on my laptop to find out, and I know it was the 5th because most new jobs make you start on a Monday and the 5th of December 2012 was my second start date with the same company after having left and returned. My university course, Sport and Recreation Management, was designed to get those foolish enough to choose it into roles within the leisure, sport or hospitality industry. While at Uni I also did my NPLQ (National Pool Lifeguard Qualification). So, this may be viewed as a success, that I would finally be using my degree and NPLQ. It quickly became abundant that this may not be the case.