Setting the tone.

My first blog post! Some may say scary, others may say exciting stuff. I would agree with both. It's a scary thought for me to write something on such an open platform for it to be publicly judged. This comes from five years of English lessons where every piece of work handed in was returned with more written on it in red pen than by me. I will also admit that when it comes to blogs I’m rather naive, being new to the scene as a writer rather than a reader. I’m a little unaware as to how the the community of bloggers operate. With thousands upon thousands of bloggers out there how does one stand out from the crowd to get enough interest or “followers” beyond friends I have forced into it to justify having a blog in the first place? Is there any point in blogging if no one if going to read it? What makes my life interesting enough to read it over that of Joe Blogs? Pun definitely intended. I don’t really understand any reason you would Lady Gaga yourself just to get noticed, it just seems like hard work to keep it up and you are bound to be found out sooner or later. The joy should come from the writing without the writers self worth being based on their number of followers should it not? I’m not saying there isn’t smoke without fire, popular blogs and bloggers have to be popular for a reason but I’m sure there are some brilliant writers out there who may never receive credit for their hard work. So this goes out to them.

So if there is anyone out there reading this, what can you expect from my blog? That is a very good question. This space is intended to be used for the occasional rant, the odd epiphany, my travels and adventures, the odd review and an insight into my life from a first person perspective. 

Hopefully this will be entertaining for the both of us, and maybe even educational. Enjoy.